Latest version: 5-Scale 1.3 (December 2001)


5-SCALE   was first built using a combination of  4-Scale 3.2 and LIBERTY 1.1a. 



The core of  4-Scale (version 1) is described in:

[1]J. M. Chen and S.G. Leblanc.

A Four-Scale Bidirectional Reflectance Model Based on Canopy Architecture. (changes and typos)
(IEEE TGARS, 1997, vol. 35, pp.1316-1337 )

and was improved (version 2) in:

[2]S. G. Leblanc, P. Bicheron , J. M. Chen, M. Leroy and J. Cihlar,

Investigation of directional reflectance in boreal forests using an improved 4-Scale model and airborne POLDER Data.(changes and typos)
IEEE TGARS,  Vol 37, No. 3, pp. 1396-1414, May 1999

5-scale (version 1) is described in:

[15]S. G. Leblanc and J. M. Chen

     A Windows Graphic User Interface (GUI) for the 
    Five-Scale Model for fast BRDF Simulations.
    Rem. Sens. Reviews 2000, vol 19, pp. 293-305

other papers featuring 4-Scale:


[3] S. G. Leblanc, J. M. Chen and J. Cihlar,

Directionality of NDVI in Boreal Forest: A Model Simulation of Measurements (changes and typos)
Canadian Journal Remote Sensing, Vol. 23, No. 4, 
December 1997, pp. 369-380.
Also available as a PDF file from CCRS web site

[4] J.M Chen, S. G. Leblanc, J. Cihlar, P. Bicheron, M. Leroy, D. Deering, and T. Eck.

Studies of BRDF in conifer and deciduous boreal forests using the 4-Scale model and airborne POLDER and ground-based PARABOLA measurements.
Proceeding IGARSS '97 Singapore

Introduction of the multiple scattering scheme in:


[5] S.G. Leblanc and J.M. Chen

    Applications of the 4-Scale Radiative-Transfer Model in
    the Remote Sensing of Boreal Forests.

Proceeding IGARSS '98, Seattle

[6] J.M. Chen and S. G. Leblanc

   A Geometrical multiple scattering scheme to be used in 
    geometrical optical models.

   IEEE TGARS 2001  vol. 39, pp. 1061-1071.

4-Scale was used to understand and correct BRDF signature of boreal forest in

[7] J.M. Chen, S.G. Leblanc, J. R. Miller, J. Freemantle, S. E. Loechel, C. L. Walthall, K. A. Innanen, and H. P. White

   Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) used for
    Mapping Biophysical Parameters of Boreal Forests.

   Second BOREAS special issue of the 
  J. Geoph  Res. Vol. 104, No. D22, pp. 27,945-27,958

[13] L. Brown, J. M. Chen, S. G. Leblanc, and J. Cihlar
   Application of Shortwave Infrared for LAI Retrieval in Boreal
    Forests: An Image and Model analysis
  Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 71 (1), pp.16-25, 2000.


4-Scale 1.0 was associated with paper [1] and 4-Scale 2.0 -2.5   include the improvements described in [2].

The double-canopy version from [2]. is not included in the code, but can be re-optained by using the one-canopy version twice.  Contact us if you need to use 4-Scale in the double-canopy mode.

The Figures in paper [4] were made with 4-Scale 2.6.

The Figures in paper [5] were made with 4-Scale 3.0 

The Figures in paper [6] were made with 5-Scale 1.2.


5-SCALE  1.3.3

A few small changes since 1.2.5, the major change is related the foliage phase function.


5-SCALE  1.2.5

Solved a non-conservation of energy in the multiple scattering scheme. ->(R+T)/2

5-SCALE  1.2.4

Added protection for inputs of reflectivity and transmitance

5-SCALE  1.2.3

Changed the hyperspectral mode. It nows computes a principal plane at different degree interval (VZA from 0 to 80°) and displays teh resukts in countour-like plots. Build 05W: Added Normalization factors to nadir for red and nir bands in PLANE mode.

5-SCALE  1.2.2

Added Log plots to hyperspectral mode and LIBERTY. Later builds (June 2000) also have more HDS plots choices. 

5-SCALE  1.2.1

Mean distance between crowns computed using: Er = Lt/Wt
Subtle changes in multiple scattering scheme
Changed Liberty interface (green).
Non Lambertian background: a simple phase function has been added.

5-SCALE  1.2

The major differences between 5-Scale 1.0 and 1.2 are found in the multiple scattering scheme, especially the parts that include foliage transmittance.  Plus a few improvements to the interface were also made.

5-SCALE  1.0

Major improvement of the interface, especially the plotting area. Introduction of LIBERTY as part of the software.
Paper [15] has a description of 5-Scale.

4-SCALE  3.3

This is the 4-Scale code of 5-Scale 1.2. Used mainly in the name file convention we use.

4-SCALE  3.2

Improved interface and multiple-scattering scheme (note that the changes to the multiple scattering between version 3.0 and 3.2 and to 5-Scale 1.2 (4-Scale 3.3) are minimal, but important in some specific cases).

4-SCALE 3.1

Q1tot and Q2tot have been re-coded to actually do what they were supposed to do (also in 2.5.1).

A new repulsion function that gives a smoother response in some extreme cases (also in 2.5.1).

Changes in  the multiple scattering scheme.

The nadir view has been improved to include special cases when the shadows and the crowns are not independent statistically.

The mean distance between trees is now computed using the gap size distribution (also in 2.5.1)

A correction to Ls and Hs has been made because the hotspot on the crown was not sensitive enough to LAI density changes inside crowns.

4-SCALE 3.0

Introduction of a multiple scattering scheme

Paper [5] had a short description of the method used to computed the scattering effect in the canopy.

Paper [6] has all the new changes.

4-SCALE 2.6

This version has a more realistic computation of the light going through a leave that takes into account the transmittance of the foliage. It does not have the changes made in 2.5.1. The changes made here have been overwritten in version 3.0 and more.

4-SCALE 2.5.1

This version was produced while version 3.0 was developed and includes (1) the new repulsion function Fr; (2) the new Q1tot and Q2tot; and (3) the new mean distance between trees calculated with the gap size distribution.

4-SCALE 2.5

Some code lines have been rewritten, C-structures have been incorporated to simplify the subroutine calls (as a preparation for adding the MS Windows interface with MS Visual C++).

There are 2 main structures: in_p and out_p. in_p contains the input parameters, out_p contains the output calculations.


NOTE 1: The parameters.c file structure, which is used to read the input file, has changed between v. 2.5 and 2.5.1 and up.The old input files do not work with the latest version of the model. 5-Scale input files are more or less compatible with that of previous versions. Contact us if you have a problem with this.

NOTE 2: A version of the model (2.7) has never been officially distributed but it has a different way of dealing with the multiple scattering effect based on the distance between trees.

NOTE 3: Some README files distributed with version 2.5 mentionned a version 3.1. This version was renamed 2.6 since the final changes were not worth a new version number.

Other References


[8] Chen J.M. and T.A. Black, 1991. “Measuring Leaf Area  Index of Plant Canopies with Branch Architecture.”
Agric. For. Meteorol., vol. 57, pp. 1-12.

[9]Chen J.M. and T.A. Black, 1992. “Defining leaf area index for nonflat leaves” Plant Cell Environ., vol. 15, pp. 421-429.

[10] Li, X. and A.H. Strahler, 1992. “Geometric-Optical Bidirectional Reflectance Modeling of the Discrete Crown Vegetation Canopy: Effect of Crown Shape and Mutual Shadowing.”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., vol. 30, pp. 276-292.

[11] Neyman, J., 1939. “On a New Class of ‘Contagious’ Distribution Applicable in Entomology and Bacteriology”, Annals of Mathematical Statistics, vol. 10, pp. 35-57.

[12] Chen J.M. “Canopy Architecture and Remote Sensing of the fraction of Photosynthetically Active radiation Absorbed by Boreal Conifer Forests” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., vol. 34, pp. 1353-1368.

[14] Dawson, T.P., Curran, P.J. and Plummer, S.E. (1998), "LIBERTY - Modelling the effects of leaf biochemistry on reflectance spectra, Remote Sensing of Environment," 
vol 65, pp 50-60.

[16] Chen, J.M., R. Lacaze, S.G. Leblanc, J.-L., Roujean, and J. Liu (1999) “POLDER BRDF and photosynthesis: an angular signature useful for ecological applications," Abstract to 2nd international workshop on multiangular measurements and models (poster presentation in letter paper format available on request), Ispra, Italy, 15-17 September 1999.

[17] Black, T.A.,  J.M. Chen, X. Lee, and  R. Sagar (1991) “Characteristics of shortwave and longwave irradiance under a Douglas-fir forest stand" Canadian J. Forest Res, Vol. 21, pp. 1020-1028

[18] R. Lacaze, J. M. Chen, J. L. Roujean, and S. G. Leblanc (2001) 
"Retrieval of vegetation clumping index using hot spot signatures measured by POLDER instrument" 
Remote Sensing of Environment 2002, 79: 84-95.

S. G. Leblanc and J. M. Chen 
A practical scheme for correcting multiple scattering effects on optical LAI measurements
Agric. For. Meteorol (in press)

S. G. Leblanc, J. M. Chen, H. P. White, J. Cihlar, R. Lacaze, J.-L. Roujean, and R. Latifovic. (2001)
"Mapping Vegetation Clumping Index From Directional Satellite Measurements," 8th International Symposium Physical Measurements and Signature in Remote Sensing, Aussois, france, January 8-12.