Note: do not make changes to your web pages passed the Final Report submission deadline. The 'Last Modified' automatic information will be checked by the instructor(s) during marking.

Your web design should include enough information to understand the nature and results of your project. The on-line information should be designed to reflect the fact that some of the information may be read by the viewer directly from the computer screen, some may be printed, and some may be download. The appropriate choices of the information content and its graphic design is crucial to the effectiveness of the on-line information.


The web content will be assessed based on:

  1. Are all web pages, links, images and other components working properly and are served from the correct server(s) and directories?
  2. An appropriate (here: "not too much, not too little") amount of information about the project.

  3. • Is it clear what were the project's hypothesis, methodology and results?
    • Is it clear what was the project's organization, contacts, time line, distribution of labour and other technical aspects?
    • Other (e.g.: make your final report available as a download, or a PDF file).
  4. Distribution of information among different levels of web pages design.

  5. • Can the viewer easily access appropriate pieces of information without getting lost or becoming confused or overwhelmed by the bad information and/or design choices?
  6. Appropriate artistic and technical design (colours, fonts, graphics, patterns of links, downloading time, other).

  7. • Is the design pleasing and effective in its appearance?

You can use presentation software (e.g. PowerPoint) graphics but you must access all graphics via a web page, so that others can later review your results (i.e. export the slides to an HTML version). Please, do not use plug-ins unless it is absolutely necessary.