Lectures (reduced version) are now online. Password is required. It is given in class. These are reduced, and more materials and key points will be given in class. Jing Chen, 18/09/2006.

Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of Jones (1997) will be available in a week in the main office of the Department of Geography. Please borrow from Donna for the copy to read or xerox. Jing Chen, 18/09/2006.

Students who scored less than 50 in the aptitute test should come to see me ASAP otherwise your name will be replaced with those in the waiting list. Jing Chen, 18/09/2006.

Please note that tutorial time and location are: Wednesday 7-9 pm at SSH 2125, and Thursday 10-12 am PGB 101 (PGB is at 45 St. Goerge St.). Jing Chen, 25/09/2006

The mid-term test will be on the first hour (10-11 am) next Monday, 23 October. Please make sure you bring a calculator. There will be multiple choises, terms and concepts, and simple calculations. All materials taught up to 16 October, except ET measurement techniques, should be reviewed for this test. As the lecture on ET measurements was delivered too quickly, it will not be included in this mid-term test. Jing Chen 19/10/2006