Parameter Explanation 1. Climate Input File Latitude(decimal degree), Longitude(decimal degree), Elevation (meter), ReferenceLong Input items are daily Maximum, Minimum, Mean, Dewpoint Temperatures (Celsius), Precipitation (mm), total radiation (kj/m^2/day), wind speed (m/s) 2. Soil Texture Classification Sand(10) Loamy_sand(20) Sandy_loam(30) Silt_loam(40) Loam(50) Sandy_clay_loam(60) Silty_clay_loam(70) Clay_loam(80) Sandy_clay(90) Silty_clay(100) Clay(110) Peat(120) 3. Land Cover Type Classification 1 - Conifer, 2 - Deciduous, 3 - Mixed, 4 - Agriculture 5 - Wetland 6 - Grass / Open 7,9 - Urban 0 - water 4. LAI Lai input file values are multiplied by 10. If value = 32 then actual value = 3.2 5. .dll files The 2 .dll files provided in the BEPS folder must be present in the windows\system folder of your computer. 6. Carbon Pools Don’t worry about these files too much - they are basically initial values for the amount of carbon found in each pool on the first day of simulation. These files are generated by the Integrated Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Cycle Model (InTEC). C-cd course detritus C-ssd slow structural detritus C-smd slow metabolic detritus C-fsd fine structural detritus C-fmd fine metabolic detritus C-m microbial C-s slow C-p passive C-sm slow microbial Litter, Course Root, Fine Root, Wood - biomass pools The amounts of these pools are used to calculate heterotrophic respiration (Rh). Rh is a function of soil water and temoerature. Basically soil water controls the amount of Rh and temperature dictates themagnitude of that responce. Warm and wet = increase in Rh. When conditions are too wet - Rh decreases. 7. Biophysical parameters and hydraulic properties including units found in Govind et al. 2009 8. VERY IMPORTANT ABOUT Ra and Rh The model outputs Ra properly but a glitch couses Rh to output as 0 for every day. This is complicated to fix in the code. If you want to determine Rh simply output NPP and NEP and use the folowing equation to get Rh (Rh=NPP-NEP) 9. Carbon Flux outputs If you output a C flux for the entire watershed you get the average daily flux in gC/m2day for the entire watershed. If you want to get the total amount of carbon for the entire watershed you need to multiply by the area of the watershed (can be found in Govind etal 2009) or calculated based on number of pixels and pixel resolution.