University of Toronto
Department of Geography and Planning
 GGR 343H1  |  
Changing Geography of China  |  Fall 2018
Professor Alana Boland
Thursday, 4-7pm

email: boland  'at'
office: Sidney Smith 5006

This course provides an introduction to the human geography of China through exploration of the changing social relations over time and the way these changes have shaped human landscapes. After introducing the broad historical and physical context, the course will focus on major geographical issues in the People's Republic of China since 1949, including agriculture, industry, urbanization, environment and population dynamics. Students will explore the interconnected development trajectories shaping urban and rural areas, together with the complex interactions between the built and social environments.  Special attention will be paid to the character and impact of China's transition from a planned to market economy and to the different interpretations of development trends since reforms began over three decades ago. 

Nature and society
Rural development, land policy and gender
Economic geographies and labour

Population and migration

Urbanization and urban landscapes
Environmental initiatives
Spatial inequality and regional policy
China's changing role in a global context

8.0 FCEs.

This an upper-level social science course taught for 3rd and 4th year students. Students should have completed at least 8 FCE's before taking this class, including 1.0 FCE's in Geography (Soc Sci/BR=3).

A course reader with selected articles and chapters will be used.  A print version (in two parts) will be prepared by Scholar House Productions (100 Harbord Street, west of Spadina on north side, 416-977-9641). 
I will provide links to readings as well.  

Quiz and written assignments 45%
Mid-term exam 20%
Final exam 35%
(NOTE:The first day of the course falls on the first day of the term (Sept  6). That first class meeting is not just course organization but will cover concepts we'll be using the in the course (i.e., it will be a 'real' class).  The Quiz during Week 3 is based on materials covered during Week 1 & 2 (Sept 6 and Sept 13).  Plan your travel with those dates in mind.  All students must take the quiz in Week 3, even those who enroll late for the course. This means that even if you are not officially enrolled, but hope to get in the class, you should come to lectures during those first couple of weeks. Contact the instructor if you have questions regarding this.)

Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to for a review of textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their essays to be included as source documents in the reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University's use of the service are described on the web site

Last updated:  July  3  2018