Hotspot versus Dark Spot
The hotspot is a well known feature of the BRDF. The darkspot is the point where the lowest reflectance is found, usually on the principal plane. 
Chen et al, 1999 and Lacaze et al (to be submitted) demonstrated, using Spaceborne POLDER data, that the index Hot Dark Spot (HDS):
HDS = 
is related to the clumping index of vegetation. 
To study this effect in more details, a special mode, built in the USER-DEFINED mode of 5-Scale, has been incorporated in the interface. Results from this new mode have been shown by Leblanc et al, 2001, and a normalize index, NDHD seems more linear than the HDS:

For this mode, several simulations are needed to find the lowest reflectivity (darkspot). The present version uses the NIR band to do the calculation. The model computes the reflectance at view zenith angle on the forward scattering side starting at 25° and increasing by step of 1° until 80°.
The clumping is calculated at the solar zenith angle.