6.1 Plane Mode

This is the default mode. If you want to go back to that mode after using another one, use the button  or go to the menu Plot Mode and choose plane Mode.
The following dialog box will appear:
The Important fields are the maximum view zenith angle (85° is the recommended maximum). The azimuthal angle 0 and 180 will produce a principal plane. You can choose to use lines and/or symbols on the plot. 
If you are doing a second simulation, the "Keep Previous Simulation" can be used. The two Display field are not yet working. They will allow you to view other parameters. Most of these options are found in the main parameters dialog.
The Display 1 and 2 field have been removed.
The display include:
Reflectance band 1 to 4 (default for 3 bands: 570, 865, 1400 nm)
Proportions: sunliand shaded foliage and background.
NDVI, SR, RSR. Total clumping, gap fraction, Hotspot, normalization factores (band 1 and 2) and Q1 and Q2.
Example of output.