Current members:
     Weimin Ju
     Yongqin Zhang
     Oliver Sonnentag
     Ajit Govind
     Ian Caldwell
     Baozhang Chen
     Fred Deng
     Gang Mo
     Ken Yuen
     Mustapha Maayar
     Anita Semic

 Past members:
     Mingzhen Chen
     Carl Menges
     Andriy Bulynko
     Xiaoyong Chen
     Junxun Liu
     Shuanghe Shen
     Shiyong Xu
     Youping Li
     Jalil Farzad

Yongqin Zhang

Ph. D. Student

Department of Geography and
    Program in Planning
University of Toronto
100 St. George St., Room 5047
Toronto, Ont. M5S 3G3

Tel: (416) 946-7715 (office)
Fax: (416) 946-3886

Research Interests

Hyperspectral remote sensing application, LAI and leaf spectrum etc forest bio-indicators measuring and modeling, forest biophysical and biochemical parameters quantitatively retrieval, radiation transfer modeling, coupling of geometrical optical and radiation transfer model.

Former research involved climate change and environment, water resources modeling and assessment, impacts of climate change on water resources and economy.


  • M.Sc. 1999, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, P.R.China
  • B.Sc , 1994, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, P.R.China


  • 1999 to 2001: PhD Candidate, the Department of Urban and Resources Sciences, Nanjing University, China, conduct research on water and land resources, take part in the project of Prediction for the Phase Space of Flood and Total Dynamic Balance of Cultivated Land and Land Sustainable Use for Yangtze Delta.
  • 1996-1999: Master student, Department of Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, China, conduct research on Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources, Economy, take part in China-Canada international cooperative project Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation Option Evaluation for the Yangtze Delta (China).
  • 1994-1996: Assistant engineer, The Climate Research Center, Weather Bureau of Ningxia Hui- Autonomous Region, China, take part in the project Drought Research on Northwest China Region


  • Research Assistant Fellowship. University of Toronto Art & Science Fellowship, 2002
  • Second Prize of the Guanghua Prize, Nanjing University, (funded by Taiwan Guanghua Foundation), 2000
  • Prize of Excellent Academic Report, Department of Urban and Resources Sciences, Nanjing University, 2000
  • Excellent Writing Medal of Graduate Student, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 1998
  • Outstanding Student Scholarship, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, Outstanding Student of 1993 academic year
  • Outstanding Student Scholarship, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, Outstanding Student of 1992 academic year

Publications (since 1995)

  1. Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao and Buzhuo Peng, 2002, Study on Supply and Demand Balance Model of Regional Water Resources for Yangtze Delta, Hydrology, 22(2): 6-9.
  2. Yongqin Zhang, Min Xu and Yinkang Zhou, 2002, Research of Flood Fractal Character and Predictable Time in Huaihe River Basin", Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences). (Accepted)
  3. Climate Change and Regional Sustainable Development, 2002, Environmental Sciences Press, P.R.China, Co-author of chapter 4, chapter7, chapter 8 and chapter 9. (in English) (in press).
  4. Yongqin Zhang, Jianzhong Ding and Buzhuo Peng, 2001, Research on Model for Regional Total Dynamic Balance of Cultivated Land, Economic Geography, Suppl: 238-242 .
  5. Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao and Buzhuo Peng, 2001, Calculation and Analysis on Change of Agricultural Water Consumption in the Yangtze Delta, Chinese Geographical Sciences, 11(4): 321-325 (in English)
  6. Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao, 2001, Impact of Climate Change on Regional Economy and the Adaptation Countermeasures, Journal of Natural Disaster, 10(2): 121-126. (in Chinese)
  7. Yongqin Zhang, Buzhuo Peng, 2001, Analysis on Sustainable Use of Huaihe River Basin's Water Resources, Bulletin of Water and Soil Conservation, Vol. 21(2): 67-70(in Chinese)
  8. Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao and Buzhuo Peng, 2001, Calculation and Analyses on Agricultural Water Consumption in Nanjing Region, Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 10(5): 413-418 (in Chinese)
  9. Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao and Buzhuo Peng 2001, Calculation and Prediction of Regional Water Resources, Scientia Geographic Sinica, 21(5): 457-462 (in Chinese)
  10. Yongqin Zhang and Qilong Miao, 2001, Research on Input-Output Model of Climate Change on Regional Economy, Acta Meteorologic Sinica, 59(5): 633-640 (in Chinese)
  11. Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao and Buzhuo Peng, 2001, Research of Climate Change on the Economy of Jiangsu Province, Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 10(1): 8-14 (in Chinese)
  12. Yongqin Zhang and Qilong Miao, 1999 "Impact of Climate Change on Regional Economy", High Efficient Use of Agricultural Resources and Sustainable Development, China Agriculture Science and Technology Press, 101-102, Beijing, China (in Chinese).
  13. Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao and Yuyi Xiang, 1999, Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Yangtze Delta, Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 22 (Supplement): 513-517(in Chinese)
  14. Qilong Miao, Yongqin Zhang and Yuyi Xiang.1999, Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture Water Consumption in the Yangtze Delta, Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 22(Supplement): 518-522(in Chinese)
  15. Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao and Yuyi Xiang.1999. An Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Water Balance of Supply and Demand in the Yangtze Delta, Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 22(Supplement): 529-535(in Chinese)
  16. Yuyi Xiang, Yongqin Zhang, Qilong Miao and Liu Wenquan.1999, A Statistical Model for the Impact of Climate Change on Industry and Population Water in the Yangtze Delta, Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 22(Supplement): 523-528(in Chinese)

© Revised: Mar., 2005