User Defined

This mode is the research mode. It allows the
study of different relationships between several parameters.

The following menu need to be filled to use this mode:


You can use a file, or the generator to get the parameters.

We suggest entering values for all field (you can keep some constant).
5-Scale sometimes has problems when a field is not used in this dialog box.

In that mode, the user can choose the x-y plot desired with the following diaolog box:

 The choices are:

Red Reflectance: reflectance in the red band (RED)
Near Infrared Reflectance: Reflectance in the near infrared band (NIR)
Mid Infrared Reflectance:  Reflectance in the mid infrared band (NIR)
BAND: This will be more important in the hyperspectral version of 4-Scale
Gap Fraction: Probability of seeing the ground (Pvg)
Crown Closure: The percentage of foliage seen  (1-gap fraction)
NDVI: Normalized difference vegetaion index (NIR-RED)/(NIR+RED)
Neyman Grouping: Index of tree clustering (based on Neyman, 1939)
Simple Ratio:  Vegetation index based on red and near infrared band (NIR/RED)
SZA: Solar zenith angle
VZA: View zenith angle
Proportions: Proportion of vegetation/background seen:
Sunlit crown (PT); sunlit background (PG); shaded crown (PZT); and shaded background (PZG).
and more.

Note that all angles in your input files need to be in degrees.

See also Hotspot Darkspot studies.