Hyperspectral mode
 In 5-Scale for Windows, the following dialog box needs to be filled:
Output Example
Check the Log Plot to get hyperspectral data with logarithmic y-axis.
Mixed canopy, Lichen and bare soil backgrounds are not yet available.

6.2.1 Input Spectra
5-Scale has black spruce needles and moss background as default spectra.
Other spectra are built-in 5-Scale such as jack pine needles and aspen leaves.
Spectrum can be imported from an ASCII file. The format should be as follow for canopy reflectance:
W      R         Refl    Trans
400    0.03   0.02         0.02
410    0.03   0.02         0.02
420    0.03   0.02         0.02
430    0.03   0.02         0.02
450    0.03   0.02         0.02
where W is the wavelength in nm, R is the reflectance of an infinite thick leave (not used), Refl. is the single leaf reflectivity and Trans its transmittance.
For the background reflectance:
W         Refl 
400       0.02 
410       0.02 
420       0.02 
430       0.02 
450       0.02 
6.2.2 Input spectrum from LIBERTY
The model LIBERTY can be used to simulate reflectivity and transmittance spectra.