Attribute Linkages
Spatial Data Structure
Conceptual GIS data flow model
Data Dictionaries
Cartographic model
SETO model
Tables or figures


  • Should only represent GIS operations (including data transfer between GIS's as a special case)
  • Flowchart should permit user to duplicate all GIS steps.   You may want to do this now or keep a notebook of steps performed
  • Flowchart should use short map algebra terms. You can make up you own term (e.g. "supervised classification").
  • Ideally, the flowchart steps should fall within the boxes in the conceptual data flow model that pertain to GIS/remote sensing operations
  • If the flowchart is too long or complicated break it into separate flow charts for sub-tasks. e.g. Mapping liquor stores within 1 km of a mall and over 5 km from a church (this is really not complicated)


Shows a buffer operation with input of malls and output of 1km buffers:



Identifying locations near stores. (1 Buffer operation only)


Buffer operation
  1. Required to identify regions close to shopping malls based on problem statement criteria.
  2. GIS method - MapInfo Buffer command
  3. Parameters - 1 Buffer with distance set at 1km, buffer features defined by point features locating stores.
  4. Output - Polygon coverage having a value of 1 within 1km of a store point and 0 outside


Shows a buffer operation with input of churches and output of 5 km inclusive buffer; followed by a NOT command to make the buffer an exclusive buffer:


Identifying locations away from churches. (1 Buffer operation and 1 NOT operation )


Buffer operation
  1. Required to identify regions within 5 km of churches.
  2. GIS method: MapInfo Buffer command
  3. Parameters: 1 Buffer with distance set at < 5 km, buffer features defined by point features locating stores.
  4. Output: Polygon coverage having a value of 1 < 5 km of a store point and 0 outside
NOT operation
  1. Required to identify regions >5km from a church.
  2. GIS Method: MapInfo Select Command: Output = NOT (Input)
  3. Parameters: use NOT operator, input is result from buffer operator above
  4. Output: polygon coverage having a value of 0 < 5 km of a store point and 1 outside


Shows logical AND operator required to identify suitable liquor stores using input of stores, and both buffers from flowchart 1 and 2.



Identifying suitable liquor stores (really two MAP algebra operations)

AND (with three input layers)
  1. Required to identify regions away from churches and close to stores based on problem statement criteria.
  2. GIS method: MapInfo Select command Output = Liquor store in (Buffer 1 and Buffer 2)
  3. Parameters: Inputs: buffers from flow charts 1 and 2 , point coverage of all liquor stores
  4. Output: map of valid liquor stores