Attribute Linkages
Spatial Data Structure
Conceptual GIS data flow model

Data Dictionaries
Cartographic model

SETO model
Tables or figures


  • Include title and a descriptive caption (a paragraph or more depending on how important the results are)
  • Include column/row headings with units
  • Round off numbers to reasonable values
  • Do not include very large tables; instead you may want to report summary statistics tables (e.g. instead of a table of asthma rates/per capita spending on smoking, perhaps report the mean and variance if the distribution is unimodal in a given region; or better yet show the results in charts or figures).


  • Title and description caption as for tables
  • Cite data sources for base maps
  • Include: scale, north arrow, some form of locational information (either a base map or a coordinate system grid)
  • A legend should be provided for relevant features
  • Use the interim report as a dry run for making printouts (don’t worry if the colors are not perfect or the layout can be improved)


  • Title and descriptive caption as for tables
  • Cite sources of data if they are significant (e.g. Stats Can, MapInfo/Compusearch)
  • Include dates of data survey
  • Try to include some idea of error levels if possible. Even a statement regarding assumptions about certain data sources is fine