Group List

Kuo Hsien Chang


2012.02. -- 2013.08.

Tel: 519-400-6386

Personal website link

Research Interests

  • My research interests focus on determining the environmental stress on plant growth, minimizing environmental impact and optimizing production eciency for food supply system on Earth. I have worked on terrestrial carbon/greenhouse gas accounting system, agricultural process-based model, dynamic vegetation model, long-range air pollution transport model, and weather risk assessment. My research goal is to develop a hi-tech integrated farming system and monitoring/modeling tools for sustainable ecosystem.


  • Ph.D., School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Canada (2011)
  • M.Sc., Atmospheric Physics, National Central University, Taiwan (2003)
  • B.Sc., Atmospheric Sciences, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan (2001)


  • Co-founder and CEO, DaoGrow Inc., Canada (2013 - present)
  • Visiting scientist, Natural Resources Canada, Canada (2012)
  • Project contractor, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada (2011)
  • Field work assistant, University of Guelph, Canada (2009-2011)
  • Modeling assistant, Colorado State University, USA (2006-2008)
  • Assistant researcher, Environmental Protection Agency, Taiwan (2005-2006)
  • Marketing/product manager, WeatherRisk, Taiwan (2005)
  • Ensign, Naval Meteorological and Oceanographic Office, Taiwan (2003-2005)

Current Research Description

  • Understanding impacts of water stress on biomass in forest ecosystems using a dynamic vegetation model. Projecting the sensitivity of vegetation shift in the transition between forest and grassland ecosystems under different drought patterns.

Selected publications

  • K. Chang , N. Lin, and C. Peng. Long-range transport of Cs-137 radioactive particles from nuclear accidents in East Asia: an assessment on Taiwan. Aerosol and Air Quality Research (submitted) , 2013.
  • K. Chang , J. Warland, P. Bartlett, M. Arain, and F. Yuan. A simple crop phenology algorithm improves the carbon cycle simulation in land surface model : CN-CLASS. Agronomy Journal (submitted), 2013.
  • K. Chang , J. Warland, R. Voroney, P. Bartlett, and C. Wagner-Riddle. Using DayCENT to simulate carbon dynamics in conventional and no-till agriculture. Soil Science Society of America Journal (Accepted) , 2013.
  • J. Liu and K. Chang . The possibility cooperative operation of policy on county towards sustainable development. EPA Report EPA-94-E102-02-210, Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency , 2006.
  • E. Chen and K. Chang . A study to reevaluate the status of used oils recycling and reuse. EPA Report EPA-94-HA11-03-A045, Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency , 2005.
  • K. Chang and N. Lin. Risk assessment of long-range transport radioactive particles from nuclear power stations in East Asia. Monthly Navy Academia , 38(11-12):1020, 2004.
  • K. Chang and J. Yu. The impact of monsoon on economy and environment in Taiwan. Technical report, National Science Council , 2001.

Invited talks

  • ThinkTank, Taiwan, 2012
  • NCAR/ASP ECSA Workshop, USA, 2011
  • Waterloo Atmosphere-land Interactions Research Group, Canada, 2010
  • Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan, 2008


© Revised: Jan., 2015