Other Information


  • Session on "Lidar and Remote Sensing". 16th International Boreal Forest Research Association Conference. Edmonton, 7-10 October 2013.
  • Session on "Main Drivers and Relevant Mechanisms of Global Change". Beijing Symposium on Global Change, Beijing, 23-25 September 2015
  • Session on "Carbon Sources and Sinks, Their Changes and Trends". 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference. Beijing, 3-7 June 2013
  • Session on "Regional Forest Carbon Sink Estimation". International Symposium on Forest Carbon Flux. Sitou, Taiwan. December 6-7, 2010
  • Invited session on "Multi-disciplinary Research Topics", 4th Multi-disciplinary Symposium of Ontario Professors. Parry Sound, Ontario, July 1-3, 2010.
  • Session on "Eddy Covariance Measurement Techniques", International Symposium on CO2 Flux Monitoring Technology. National Taiwan University, December 16-18, 2008.
  • Session on "Using Flux and Models for North America Carbon Budgets", Annual Meeting of the AmeriFlux Network, Boulder, Colorado, October 15-17, 2008.
  • Group breakout on "Remote Sensing: Cutting Across the Borders". Joint North American Carbon Program (USA, Canada, Mexico). Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. 25-26 January 2007
  • Session on "Carbon Budgets: Sources, Sinks and Inventories", International Conference on Regional Carbon Budgets, Beijing, 16-18 August 2006.
  • Session on "Remote Sensing and GIS". The 21st Croatia Conference on Mathematics, Chemistry and Computers, Dubrovnic, Croatia, 18-24 June 2006.
  • Session on "Forest Carbon Cycle". International Symposium on Ecosystem Carbon Budget and Cycle: Theories and Applications, Guangzhou, China, 1-3 July, 2005.
  • Session on "Remote Sensing Applications". Annual Meetings of Canadian Association of Geographers, London, Ontario, June 1-2, 2005
  • Sessions 1, 2 and 3 on "North American Carbon Science: Recent Results Relevant to the North American Carbon Program" (Over 250 people attended in a large auditorium). American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA, December 13-18, 2004
  • Session on "Mathematical Modeling of Greenhouse Gas Exchange Between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere". Joint Assembly of Canadian Geophysical Union and American Geophysical Union, Montreal, Quebec, May 17-21, 2004
  • Session on "Changes in Land Use, Water Use, and Biogeochemical Cycles in Asia". Joint Assembly of Canadian Geophysical Union and American Geophysical Union, Montreal, Quebec, May 17-21, 2004
  • Plenary session on "Biospheric Models". 6th International CO2 Conference, Sendai, Japan, October1-5, 2001.
  • Group breakout on "Identifying Gridded Datasets for Carbon Map Validation". International Workshop on Terrestrial Carbon Observation organized by IGBP and FAO, Frascati, Italy, June 5-8, 2001.
  • Session on "Integrated Physical, Social and Economic Aspects of Decision Making". International Symposium on Soil Erosion Management, Taiyuan, China, April 26-30, 2001.
  • Plenary Session on "Geo/biophysical Parameter Retrieval", 8th International Symposium on Physical Signatures and Measurements in Remote Sensing, Aussois, France, 8-13 January, 2001.
  • Plenary Session on "Landcover and Landuse" in the Fourth International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, Ontario, June 21-24, 1999.
  • Three plenary theme discussions on "Geometrical Optical Models", "Biophysical Parameters Retrieval" and "Hotspot Modelling", and one group breakout on "Canopy Architecture and Directional Remote Sensing", in International Forum for Directional Remote Sensing, San Francisco, USA, December 11-12, 1998
  • Session on "Data Integration for Decision Support I" in the First International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, June 1998
  • Session on " Remote Sensing Research in China" in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 1997, Singapore, August 3-8, 1997
  • Session on "Image Processing - Optical" in 19th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Ottawa, Ontario, May 29, 1997.
  • Biophysical Parameter Group Breakout, meeting of coarse-resolution design team for CEOS program: Global Observation of Forest Cover. Sioux Falls, USA. July 1998.
  • Remote Sensing Group Breakout, Workshop of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), Washington, D.C., USA, March 1997
  • Remote Sensing and Tower Flux Group Breakout, BOREAS Workshop, Toronto, Ontario, May 1996


1) Peer reviewer for scientific journals including:
  1. Chinese Science Bulletin
  2. Ecological Indicators
  3. International Journal of Digital Earth
  4. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
  5. Forest Ecology and Management
  6. Journal of Ecological Society of America
  7. Geophysical Research Letters
  8. Boundary-Layer Meteorology
  9. Forest Ecology and Management
  10. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences
  11. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformatics
  12. Ecological Applications
  13. Geoderma
  14. Biometeorology
  15. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
  16. Frontiers of Ecology and Environment
  17. Global Change Biology
  18. Global Biogeochemical Cycles
  19. Tellus
  20. Plant Ecology
  21. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere
  22. Canadian Journal for Forest Research
  23. International Journal for Remote Sensing
  24. Remote Sensing Reviews
  25. Mathematical Geology
  26. Forest Science
  27. Functional Ecology
  28. Journal of Applied Meteorology
  29. Applied Optics
  30. International Journal of Wildfires
  31. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
  32. Tree Physiology
  33. Water, Air and Soil Pollution
  34. Canadian Journal for Remote Sensing
  35. Remote Sensing of Environment
  36. IEEE Transactions of Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2) Peer reviewer for proposal granting agencies (1997-present)
  1. NASA 08-ATBD-0003 Remote Sensing Products
  2. Hong Kong research Council
  3. Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
  4. Chinese National Science Foundation
  5. US National Science Foundation
  6. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  7. Natural Science and Engineering Council (NSERC) of Canada
  8. New Zealand Lottery Science Research
  9. British NERC
  10. NASA Office of Mission to Planet Earth
3) Proposal review panels served
  1. Proposal review panel, NASA Earth Observation Products, Decenber 2017.
  2. Chair, proposal review panel for ecosystems, Canadian Foundation of Innovation, June 20, 2012.
  3. Proposal review panel, US Department of Energy Terrestrial Ecosystem Science, serving as the primary reviewer for 8 proposals and for 1-day panel deliberations for all proposals. Washington D.C., January 27, 2012.
  4. Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) expert review panel for Outcome Measurement Study, involving a 2-day site visit to the University of Victoria for evaluating the outcome of CFI's $52 million investment. May 14-15, 2008.
  5. Proposal review panel, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006.
  6. NSERC Strategic Grant proposal review panel, 2006
  7. US DOE Terrestrial Carbon Cycle, Washington D. C., May 31-June 2, 2006
  8. NASA, GSFC2.36 Vegetation and Soil Science. Two proposal reviews through mail and telecon. Feb., 2001.
  9. NASA Office of Mission to Planet Earth, NRA-00-OES-08, "Carbon Cycle Science and Related Opportunities in Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems and Applications". Three proposal reviews through mail and telecon. Feb., 2001.
  10. NASA Office of Mission to Planet Earth, NRA-97-MTPE-03. Washington D. C. July 15-17, 1997
4) external evaluator for promotion
  1. University of Toronto at Scaborough, external evaluation of a promotion to full professor, 2021
  2. Hongkong University, external evaluation of an appointment of full professor, 2021
  3. Hongkong University, external evaluation of an appointment to VP Research, 2020
  4. Tsinghua University, external evaluation of a tenure promotion, 2020
  5. University of Sheffield, external evaluation of an appointment of a senior research fellow
  6. Chinese University of Hong Kong, external evaluation of an appointment of a full professor in economic geography and GIS, 2019
  7. City University of New York, external evaluation for promotion to Full Professor in micrometeorology, 2018
  8. Wilfred Laurier University, external evaluation for Canada Research Chair in climate change in cold regions, 2017.
  9. Tsinghua University, external evaluation for four promotions to Associate Professor with tenure, 2017
  10. University of British Columbia at Okanagan, external evaluation for a new hire of a professor in geoinformatics, 2015.
  11. Tsinghua University, external evaluator for a new hire of its ecological program leader, 2015.
  12. Trent University, evaluation of a university research award. 2013.
  13. Chinese Ministry of Education, recognition of 8 Changjiang Professorships. 2013.
  14. University of New Brunswick, renewal of CRC Tier 2 position in geoinformatics. 2013.
  15. University of British Columbia at Okanagan, promotion to full professor in forest ecohydrology. 2013.
  16. University of Maryland, appointment of a full professor in regional economics. 2012
  17. Chinese University of Hong Kong, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in remote sensing, 2012.
  18. Beijing Normal University, promotion of two professors in global change to receive China's national "1000 Talents" recognition. 2011
  19. New York State University, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in remote sensing, 2011.
  20. McGill University, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in global biogeochemical cycles, 2010
  21. Al-Balqa' Applied University, Jordan, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in remote sensing, 2009
  22. University of Massachusetts at Boston, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in GIS, 2009
  23. University of Saskatchewan, promotion to Full Professor in remote sensing, 2009
  24. University at Buffalo, promotion to Full Professor in ecohydrology, 2009.
  25. University of British Columbia, promotion to Full Professor in remote sensing, 2009.
  26. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in GIS, 2008
  27. University of New Brunswick, promotion to Full Professor in geoinformatics, 2008
  28. University of California at Los Angeles, promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in remote sensing, 2008
  29. Colorado State University, promotion to Full Professor in meteorology, 2008
  30. University of British Columbia, Canada research Chair (Tier 1) renewal, 2008
  31. University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus, promotion to Senior Lecturer in mathematics, 2008
  32. Boston University, promotion to Research Professor in directional remote sensing, 2008
  33. University of New Brunswick, second evaluation for Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in remote sensing techniques, 2007
  34. Chinese Ministry of Education, three Changjiang Professorships, 2007
  35. University of California at Berkeley, promotion to Professor Level VI in biometeorology, 2007
  36. York University, tenure promotion in remote sensing, 2007
  37. University of Quebec at Montreal, evaluation for Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) renewal, 2007
  38. Colorado State University, tenure promotion in LIDAR remote sensing, 2007
  39. University of California at Berkeley, tenure promotion in landscape ecology, 2007
  40. University of Calgary, evaluation for Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in glaciers-climate interaction, 2007
  41. University of New Brunswick, evaluation for Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in remote sensing techniques, 2006
  42. University of North Carolina, ecosystem remote sensing scientist tenure evaluation, 2006
  43. University of New Brunswick, forest hydrologist promotion to full professor, 2006
  44. Boston University, physical geographer promotion to Full Professor, 2006
  45. University of Saskatchewan, physical geographer promotion to Canada Research Chair (Tier 2), 2005
  46. York University, physical geographer promotion to tenured associate professor, 2003
  47. Boston University, physical geographer promotion to Full Professor, 2003
  48. USDA, remote sensing scientist promotion, 1999
Public Awareness
  1. 2021, April, interviewed by on carbon neutrality issues.
  2. 2018, November, interviewed by OMNI TV on Canada's and Ontario's climate change policies.
  3. 2016, December, interviewed by national Fairchild TV on smog in China, broadcast on 6 January.
  4. 2013, December, gave a public presentation on "Climate Change: Highlights of IPCC 5th Report" in Greenlife Forum at the Scarborough City Hall.
  5. 2013. October, interviewed by national Fairchild TV on IPCC 5th report, broadcast on 25 October.
  6. 2012, November, interviewed by the Chinese journal "Green Life" on the possible link between hurricane Sandy and climate change, and an article is published based on the interview.
  7. 2012, October, gave a public speech on "Climate Change: the Largest Environmental Issue Facing Humanity" at the Scarborough City Hall during the graduation ceremony of Chinese Environmental Ambassadors. MP Oliver Chow attended.
  8. 2012, January, interviewed by CBC Radio Canada International on the Northern Gateway oil pipeline, energy and climate change
  9. 2011, December, interviewed by CBC Radio Canada International on Canada's withdrawal from Kyoto
  10. 2011, December, interviewed by national Fairchild TV on Durban Conference and Canada's position
  11. 2011, October, interviewed by Nanjing Daily about climate change
  12. 2011, March, interviewed by Global TV on Earth Hour and showed on Global News
  13. 2010, July, interviewed by a Toronto Star reporter about heat waves
  14. 2009, March, interviewed by China Science Daily in Toronto
  15. 2009, June, interviewed by national Fairchild TV in Toronto
  16. 2009, December, interviewed by national OMNI TV as part of news broadcast to provide views on the Copenhagen summit
  17. 2009, December, interviewed by CTV for environmental issues in China
  18. 2009, December, interviewed by China Science Daily in Toronto on climate change
  19. 2009, August, interviewed by national Fairchild TV in Toronto on population and global warming.
  20. 2008, September, interviewed by a Toronto Star reporter on the Green Shift of the Liberal Party.
  21. 2008, March, interviewed by Ryerson University Radio on the significance of Earth Hour.
  22. 2008, December, interviewed by China Science Daily in Beijing
  23. 2007, September, invited expert to speak on the Cafe Scientifique organized by the Ontario Science Centre, on the topic: Old Habits Die Hard: Can we change before the climate does
  24. 2007, October, interviewed by Fairchild Television on climate change issues
  25. 2007, July, interviewed in studio by the Chinese national TV program: Weather Today
  26. 2007, January, interviewed by the national Omni TV about global warming and unusual warm winter.
  27. 2007, February, telephone interview by CBC TV for climate change issues.
  28. 2007, February, provided a carbon source and sink distribution map for Ontario forests and associated statistics to a non-profit organization for a report to the provincial government.
  29. 2007, February, interviewed by the Omni TV on the release of the fourth IPCC report.
  30. 2007, February, interviewed by Mississauga News, U of T Varsity News, and Ryerson University's RyersOnline on climate related issues.
  31. 2007, December, interviewed by Global Chinese Press on climate change and its impact on daily life
  32. 2006, interviewed by the national Omni2 TV (studio interview) about global warming and government climate change policy.
  33. 2006, interviewed by Radio Canada International in Montreal about climate change and renewable energy.
  34. 2005, interviewed by the national Omni2 TV three times (one studio and two site interviews) about the Kyoto Protocol and citizen responsibility.
  35. 2004, interviewed by Science Online of Chinese Academy of Sciences on global change and carbon cycle.
  36. 2002, interviewed by the national Omni2 TV about climate change and Kyoto Protocol and broadcast on TV 4 times.
  37. 2001, one of three panelists on a press conference held in San Francisco by America Geographical Union on "North America Carbon Sinks". Comments I made were released in CNN news, Associate Press, etc.
  38. 1999, received the Best Practice Award of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) for giving an effective public lecture on remote sensing science at the headquarter of NRCan, Ottawa.
  39. 1997, gave a public seminar entitled "New Earth Observation Era" at Whitehorse under the invitation of Yukon Science Institute.
© Revised: Aug., 2021