The Boreal Ecosystems Productivity Simulator (BEPS)

 Overview   BEPS at Landscape Level   BEPS-EASS   BEPS-Isotope   BEPS-GEM

Application 1:

Modeling dynamics of stable carbon isotopic exchange between a boreal forest ecosystem and the atmosphere

Stable isotopes of CO2 contain unique information on the biological and physical processes that exchange CO2 between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. In this study, we developed an integrated modeling system to simulate dynamics of stable carbon isotope of CO2, as well as moisture, energy, and momentum, between a boreal forest ecosystem and the atmosphere as well as their transport/mixing processes through the convective boundary layer (CBL), using remotely sensed surface parameters to characterize the surface heterogeneity. It has the following characteristics: (i) it accounts for the influences of the CBL turbulent mixing and entrainment of the air aloft; (ii) it scales individual leaf-level photosynthetic discrimination up to the whole canopy (∆canopy) through the separation of sunlit and shaded leaf groups; (iii) it has the capacity of examining detailed interrelationships among plant water-use efficiency, isotope discrimination and vapor pressure deficit; (iv) it has the potential to investigate how an ecosystem discriminates against 13C at various time and spatial scales. The monthly mean isotopic signatures of ecosystem respiration (i.e. d13CR) used for isotope flux calculation are retrieved from the nighttime flask data from the intensive campaigns (1998 through 2000) at 20m level on Fraserdale tower, and the data from the growing season in 1999 are used for model validation. Both the simulated CO2 mixing ratio and d13CR of CO2 at the 20 m level agreed with the measurements well in different phases of the growing season. On a diurnal basis, the greatest photosynthetic discrimination at canopy level (i.e. ∆canopy) occurred during the early morning and late afternoon with a varying range of 10‰ to 26‰ The diurnal variability of ∆canopy was also associated with the phases of growing season and meteorological variables. The annual mean ∆canopy in 1999 was computed to be 19.58‰ The monthly averages of ∆canopy varied betwen18.55‰ and 20.84‰ with a seasonal peak during the middle growing season. Due to the strong opposing influences of respired and photosynthetic fluxes on forest air (both CO2 and 13CO2) on both the diurnal and seasonal time scales, CO2 was consistently enriched with the heavier 13C isotope (less negative d13C) from July to October and depleted during the remaining months, whereas on a diurnal basis, CO2 was enriched with the heavier 13C in the late afternoon and depleted in early morning.  For the year 1999, the model results reveal that the boreal ecosystem in the vicinity of Fraserdale tower was a small sink with net uptake of 29.07 g12C m-2 yr-1 and 0.34 g13C m-2 yr-1.

Figure 1, Measured and modeled diurnal variations in net CO2 flux and mixing ratio in the surface layer during 2-7, June 1999 at Fraserdale tower site. (a) simulated CO2 fluxes at the canopy height, which are net CO2 flux (Fnet), net assimilation (FA), and total ecosystem respiration (FR); (b) simulated isofluxes of d13C (Fd13,  FAd13 , and FRd13) corresponding to Fnet , FA , and FR , respectively; (c) simulated and observed CO2 mixing ratios at 20 m height (which are: the observed hourly mean values (CO2_Tower , which are the averages of original 6 discrete tower measurements with an accuracy of 0.1 ppmv; the range of the 6 data points within an hour is mostly less than 2 ppm), the intensive campaign data (CO2_flask , which are flask sampled for around 5 minutes at each corresponding hour), and simulated hourly averaged data (CO2_model); and (d) simulated and flask measured d13C of CO2 at 20 m height.


Figure 2, Linear regression relationships between simulated and measured hourly d13CO2 mixing ratio at 20 m height during the growing season in 1999 at Fraserdale, Ontario, Canada. Here y and x represent simulated and observed d13CO2 mixing ratio, respectively; R and n denote the linear correlation coefficient and sample number, respectively; subscript 1-3 denotes the campaigns during June 2-7, July 21-23, and September 10-12, respectively.


Figure 3, Simulated daily mean photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination for the year1999 at Fraserdale site. The whole-canopy integrated discrimination (∆canopy) and the discriminations for sunlit leaves (∆sunlit) and shaded leaves (∆shade) are shown here for comparison.


Figure 4, Simulated seasonal variations in CO2 fluxes, in isofluxes, and in d13C of CO2 at 20 m (d13Ca) for the year1999 at Fraserdale tower site. (a) daily mean CO2 fluxes, (b) daily mean isofluxes, and (c) daily mean d13Ca. Note that the true direction of the 13CO2 flux is downward during photosynthesis periods. The isoflux associated with the net uptake of 13CO2 is positive. The solid horizontal line in panel (c) indicates the annual mean d13Ca (= -8.327‰).

Application 2:

Simulating dynamics of d13C of CO2 in the planetary boundary layer over a boreal forest region: Covariation between surface fluxes and atmospheric mixing

Stable isotopes of CO2 contain unique information on the biological and physical processes that exchange CO2 between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. Ecosystem exchange of carbon isotopes with the atmosphere is correlated diurnally and seasonally with the planetary boundary layer (PBL) dynamics. The strength of this kind of covariation affects the vertical gradient of d13C and thus the global d13C distribution pattern. We need to understand the various processes involved in transport/diffusion of carbon isotope ratio in the PBL and between the PBL and the biosphere and the troposphere. In this study, we employ a one-dimensional vertical diffusion/transport atmospheric model (VDS), coupled to an ecosystem isotope model (BEPS-EASS) to simulate dynamics of 13CO2 in the PBL over a boreal forest region in the vicinity of the Fraserdale tower (49°52’29.9”N, 81°34’12.3”W) in northern Ontario, Canada. The data from intensive campaigns during the growing season in 1999 at this site are used for model validation in the surface layer. The model performance, overall, is satisfactory in simulating the measured data over the whole course of the growing season. We examine the interaction of the biosphere and the atmosphere through the PBL with respect to d13C on diurnal and seasonal scales. The simulated annual mean vertical gradient of d13C in the PBL in the vicinity of the Fraserdale tower was about 0.25‰ in 1999. The d13C vertical gradient exhibited strong diurnal (29%) and seasonal (71%) variations that do not exactly mimic those of CO2. Most of the vertical gradient (96.5% ±) resulted from covariation between ecosystem exchange of carbon isotopes and the PBL dynamics, while the rest (3.5%±) was contributed by isotopic disequilibrium between respiration and photosynthesis. This disequilibrium effect on d13C of CO2 dynamics in PBL, moreover, was confined to the near surface layers (less than 350 m).

Figure 1. Time-height cross section of simulated (multiple heights) and observed (20 m) diurnal variations of d13C of CO2 on June 4, 1999. (a) 2D contour graph for d13C (unit: ‰); (b) vertical profile of diurnal cycles of d13C (up to 520m, obs- campaign measured, mod- simulated)

Figure 2. Time-height cross section of simulated monthly mean d13C of CO2 in 1999. (a) 2D contour graph for d13C (unit: ‰) up to 2500 m; (b) Simulated vertical profile of monthly mean d13C up to 520m

Figure 3. Comparison of monthly composite diurnal variations in carbon isotopic signatures of net CO2 flux ( d13Cbio ), of gross primary production flux ( d13CA ), of ecosystem respiration flux ( d13CR ), for August of 1999 in a boreal ecosystem near Fraserdale, Canada

Figure 4. Differences in simulated seasonal cycles of d13C at different heights between with isotopic disequilibrium (model 1) and without isotopic disequilibrium (model 2). (a) differences in monthly mean d13C at different heights (20 m up to 520 m) for1999; (b) vertical profiles (up to 1.2km) of monthly mean difference for the growing season of 1999

Figure 5. Schematic showing the mechanism of the diurnal isotope rectification---an example from model simulations of August 1999, over a boreal region near Fraserdale, Ontario, Canada. (a) Simulated monthly composite diurnal isofluxes of d13C (Fd13, FAd13, and FRd13), corresponding to net CO2 flux (Fnet ), net assimilation (FA ), and total ecosystem respiration (FR ), respectively. The "diagnostic" isoflux (Fd13,equi ) is also shown as comparison. (b) Simulated monthly composite diurnal dynamics of the planetary boundary layer (Zi ). And (c) a simulated vertical profile of monthly mean d13C of CO2. The error bars in panels (a) and (b) indicate the standard deviation.

Figure 6. Schematic showing the mechanism of the seasonal isotope rectification---an example from model simulations for 1999, over a boreal region near Fraserdale, Ontario, Canada. (a) Simulated seasonal variations in isofluxes of d13C: Fd13, FAd13, and FRd13, corresponding to net CO2 flux (Fnet), net assimilation (FA), and total ecosystem respiration (FR), respectively. The simulated monthly mean "diagnostic" isoflux is also shown as comparison. (b) Simulated seasonal dynamics of the planetary boundary layer: Zi,max and hE,max are the monthly averages of daily maxima of the CBL depth and of the equilibrium height of NBL, respectively. And (c) a simulated vertical profile of annual mean d13C. The error bars in panels (a) and (b) indicate the standard deviation.

Figure 7. Annual, seasonal and diurnal isotopic rectification. A: Comparison of vertical patterns in annual mean d13C of CO2 simulated by hourly (model 1) and daily (model 3) isofluxes from the ground to 2.5 km in 1999; B: The effect of the diurnal cycle on the profile of simulated d13C (i.e. diurnal rectification), is seen as the difference between the hourly and daily calculations. Annual total isotope rectification (rect) is partitioned into diurnal and seasonal components

© Revised: Nov., 2006